The Hive: Different Kind of Buzz

Nacho Libre and I were thinking we were a duo but right at 0514 Asphalt and Tesh came in hot ready to go.

No FNGs and no rookies so away we went. Advertising days in advance did not draw the crowd but I’m good with that as it allows us to have better fellowship while a strong beat down.

mosey to COP and rapid fire excercises

  • SSHs
  • Imperial walkers
  • Sumo Squats
  • merkins
  • hillybilly walkers
  • traditional squats
  • Carolina dry docks

mosey to bells


Each exercise for 1 min

  1. L/R curls
  2. KB swing
  3. lunge passthru
  4. fkutters
  5. run lap


  1. concentration curls
  2. shoulder press
  3. goblet squat
  4. american hammers
  5. run lap


  1. tri-extentions
  2. upright rows
  3. right leg squat
  4. v-ups
  5. run lap


  1. skull crushers
  2. bent rows
  3. left leg squat
  4. hello dolly
  5. run lap


  1. figure eights
  2. time up

thanks Tesh for the Q

great pax and AO at The Hive!!

TClap |

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